Sunday, September 25, 2016

Makalah Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adverb Clauses


1.1  Background of the paper
When we talk about the grammar of a language then that comes to mind is how to arrange the words contained in the language into a series of meaningful , which can be understood both by the speakers and the hearing . Therefore, learn grammar in English is to learn how to use the word in a standard sentence patterns in English .
Adverb clause is one of the grammar in English , which is very important to make a standard sentence in English.
Adverb or adverb can modify verbs, adjectives, other information, phrases, or clauses. Adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or the degree / level and answer questions such as "what," "how," "when," "where," "how much" ".
It is causing Noun, adjective, adverb, article, pronouns, and the use to be into the field of study of the English language is important not least because through it all one can convey meaning clearly. unit of language that we already know before arriving at the level of the sentence is: Noun (noun), Adjective (adjective), and Adverb (adverb). The third form of it, is learning the basic or the basic structure that we must learn in order to better understand the procedure to speak English well and smoothly. pronoun noun or pronoun in English grammar / english grammar plays a very important. Can we imagine if the human language does not have pronouns may arise irregularities - Irregularities. in short that all noun forms are so diverse species we can replace the pronoun.
In studying English, there are many things to be known in advance. One of them is part of the spoken word or in English is called Part of Speech. In English grammar,Parts of Speech are classified into eight types of words are classified according to what he showed the Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection. But in this paper will only discuss aboutadverb only, in accordance with a predeterminedscop.
1.2 problem formulation
1) What is the definiton of adverb?
2) What is the function of adverb?
3) What are the types of adverb?

1.3 purpose of the paper
1) To know about definiton of adverb
2) To know what is the function of adverb
3) To know what are the types of adverb


2.1 Definiton of adverbial
Adverb or adverb is a word that gives a description of the place , time and manner of an activity or event that occurred . Example : here , now , softly , loudly , tomorrow , again , twice , never , etc .
Adverb is also defined as a word that describes a verb ( verb ) , adjectives ( adjective ) , preposition ( preposition ) and other word except noun ( noun ) and pronoun ( pronoun ) .
Adveb Clause is a form of dependent clauses. They can not stand sendirisebagai sentence in English. They must be connected to an independent clause. When the adverb clause is preceded by an independent clause, a comma is used untukmemisahkan clause, whereas when adveb clause followed by independenclause, usually do not use commas.
Adverbial clause is usually classified based on the "meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctions which preceded it).
In the book Accurate, Brief, and Clear English grammar explained that the adverb is an adverb or an additional word in use to describe a verb.
Example :
a. I am working now.
(kata now dalam kalimat tersebut adalah keterangan waktu yang menerangkan kata kerja working).
b. Hendi speaks loudly.
(kata loudly dalam kalimat tersebut menerangkan bagaimana cara Hendi berbicara).
c. Wenny never comes before dinner.
(kata never dalam kalimat tersebut merupakan keterangan petunjuk frequensi/keseringan).

2.2 The Function Of Adverbial
Adverb has become mandatory for us who likes to learn English. After we have learned to understand the type of adverb, it is time to understand some of the functions adverb (adverb) in grammar. To determine the function of an adverb in English grammar, Frank (1972: 145-147) reveals there are 3 functions adverb in grammar.
Let's be clear again:
1.        Adverb as Modifier of a Verb Example:
 The boy threw the ball quickly intervening. / The boy threw the ball quickly intervening. Adverb 'quickly intervening' (fast) above explains the verb (verb) 'threw' = a second form of the 'throw' (throw). That is, the boy throws the ball quickly: quickly point throw, not a boy or ball. Adverb of Manner (read: Type adverb according to meaning) does by itself explain verb (the verb), being adverb of place and time (adverb place and time), although considered could explain verb (the verb), but some experts grammar states that adverb of place and time can only explain a whole sentence. Example: The boy threw the ball quickly intervening there twice yesterday adverb place (adverb of place) 'there' explain the whole phrase 'the boy quickly intervening threw the ball'. Likewise with time adverbs (adverb of time) 'yesterday' explained the whole phrase 'the boy quickly intervening threw the ball'. So, adverb 'there' (there) and the adverb 'yesterday' (yesterday) explained the whole sentence 'kid throw the ball quickly.' However, the above three adverbs, there, twice, yesterday could explain the verb 'throw'.

2. Adverb as Modifier (Intensifier) of an Adjective or an adverb.
Example: The boy threw the ball very quickly intervening. Adverb 'very' explains the adverb 'quickly intervening. It means that the 'very' is' fast 'it is not bocahnya, throw it, let alone' bola'nya. Example 2: Dina is really smart. Adverb 'really' explains the adjective 'smart'. It means that the 'true' it is' pintar'nya, not Dinanya let alone to be 'is'.
3. Adverb as Modifier of an entire Sentence.
Example: Fortunately, the boy threw the ball quickly intervening. Adverb 'fortunately' (thankfully) describes the whole phrase 'the boy threw the ball quickly’
In conclusion: there adverb have four function, namely :
1. Describe the Verb "The verb"
2. Explain Adverb another
3. Explain Adjective "The adjective"
4. Explain the whole sentence.
2.3 The Types Of Adverbial
1) Adverb of Time .
Adverb of time Is an adverb that states the time of a job , actions or events. Example : afterwards , alread, before , frequently , now , today , soon , Immediately , lately, yesterday , etc .
Examples of applications in the sentence
I’am studying english now.
(Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang).
2) Adverb of place
Adverb of place Is an adverb which shows the scene of an act , action or event . Examples : above , back , below , around , here , somewhere , everywhere , there , etc .
Examples of applications in the sentence :
She studies English here. (Ia belajar bahasa Inggris di sini).
3) Adverb of manner
Adverb of manner Is an adverb that expresses how a job is done or an event that happened . Example : carefully, fluently, hard , fast , slowly, Suddenly ( suddenly ) , together ( collectively same ) , etc .
Examples of applications in the sentence :
They worked hard. (Mereka bekerja dengan keras).
4) Adverb of degree
Adverb of degree Is an adverb that expresses how far ( the level or degree ) of a situation or incident . Normally explain / modifying adjective / adjective or adverb itself . Example : enough , fairly ( bit / used for positive statements ) , rather ( somewhat / used for negative statements ) , nearly, very , too , only , quite , and so on.
Examples of applications in the sentence :
1) She is very pretty girl. (Ia seorang gadis yang sangat manis).
2) I quite understand. (Saya sangat mengerti).
5) Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency Is an adverb which states the amount or how much of a job , actions or events performed . its classification namely :
1 ) adverb of quantity .
Usually to determine the adverb of quantity we ask the question with the word "how often" .
Example : always ( always ) , usually ( usually ) , never (never ) , ever ( ever ) , sometimes ( sometimes ) , seldom ( rarely ) , Generally ( general ) , etc .
Examples of applications in the sentence :
Andi always drinks milk every night . ( Andi always drink milk every night )
2 ) adverb of number.
Usually to determine the adverb of number we ask the question with the words " how many times" ( how many times ) .
Example : once, twice , Thrice, half, Twofold, etc .
Examples of applications in the sentence :
He eats twice every day . (Ia makan dua kali tiap hari) .
6) Adverb of Affirmation.
Adverb og affirmation is suppression or affirmative answer. Example: certainly (would have been), naturally (of course), surely (surely), of course (certainly), absolutely (absolute), and so on.
Examples of applications in the sentence:
Of course she can speak English. (Tentu ia dapat bicara bahasa Inggris)..

7) Interrogative adverb.
Interrogative adverb Is an adverb that helped shape the question. Each adverb this type associated with other adverb.
1) How did he go?
How is the interrogative adverb of manner.
2) Where did he go?
Where an interrogative adverb of place.

8) Relative Adverb.
Relative adverb Is an adverb that serves as a connector of two clauses in a sentence. The words were the same as the interrogative adverb, the difference is only in the layout position, namely relative adverb is usually placed in the middle of a sentence (between the two clauses), while interrogative adverb at the beginning of the sentence.
1) I asked him how he went.
How is relative adverb of manner.
2) I asked him where he went.
Where is relative adverb of place.


3.1 Conclusion
Adverb as one of the words spoken ( Parts of Speech ) in the order of English ( grammar) is one of the many things that should be known in learning English . Adverb is a word that describes verbs , adjectives and other words unless noun and pronoun. There are various forms of adverb which are categorized by function or use. By knowing the adverb , good shape , meaning and application is expected to be one of the capital in learning English well and properly .


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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